January 29, 2016

Be Kind to Yourself

As a missionary I was consistently falling short of my goals. Week after week, day after day things didn't measure up the way I had hoped and planned for the night before.
Yet I have never been happier failing...
90% of the time it was out of my control.
the other 10% I successful in some other area to make up for it.

So what happens when you can't blame your short comings on other people,
what happens when it is your own agency at fault?

Post Mission Depression.. it is real.
It has almost been 2 months since I stepped off that plane and all of my dreams of what life would be like when I was an RM have been slipping through my fingers like sand ever since.
Were my scripture, temple and exercising goals too ambitious? Did I change at all in those last 18 months? Do I even still speak Spanish? Am I too "normal" too quickly?
It is a violent downward spiral
   and it needs to S T O P

Be kind to yourself

No one comes home from a mission a perfected person. You come home with new skills and new goals. You have to learn new skills and adjust your goals.

Be kind to yourself

Your Father in Heaven loves you just as much now as He did when you were a missionary, you lost no value in His eyes.

Be kind to yourself

Balancing school, work and social life is a challenge. It is normal to make some mistakes and feel stress.

Be kind to yourself

The things that mattered most there are the things that still matter most here. The people who loved and supported you when you were there still love and support you. They want you to...

Be kind to yourself

They were right when they told me it was harder to come home than it was to leave. I'm grateful for the reminder I received to be kind to myself. That is where we access the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. Our older brother wants us to be kind to everyone... including ourselves.

link <-- check it out

inspired by the wise words of Mom

January 24, 2016

Party of 8

They call it the happiest place on earth...
For those few days it was just that and so much more. 
 The older I get the more magical Disneyland is. It isn't the characters or the rides but the chance I had to vacation with the people who mean the very most to me.
You see we are growing in number.. we are now a party of eight. It was the perfect opportunity to bond as a family. Our dynamics feel comfortable, familiar in a way. I love them.
 A little rain never killed anyone and we loved the shorter lines!

The Frodsham kids got Dad's genes and Jeff got it the worst. Motion sickness and all he keep going. This is him "making a come back".

I'm 21 now and I still get these joyful feelings inside when I see a Princess.
Not quite joyful enough to stand in line for a long time for a picture BUT we did catch Pocahontas at a good moment. She is actually my ancestor. She must know because she called me princess ;)
These are our "strong arms"

We joke about it often and yet continue to take part in the consumption of overpriced goodies.
I swear it is the only place you can spend 5 bucks on a churro and think every bite is worth it!
Things are always yummier when shaped like mickey.
The favorite treat of the Frodsham family can be found in the uncomfortably weird tiki room... oh dole whip- heavenly.

The love birds...

Michael was my ride buddy! He is the best!!!

Best parents around.. Thank you for this wonderful adventure Mom & Dad.
Memories were made!

It was a truly magical trip.

***December 2015***

January 6, 2016

Las Hermanas

The Canada Toronto Mission lives on...
It always felt extra special to be an Hermana. We have a stronger bond, an explainable love for each other.
//Estas Hermanas son muy importante para mi... Especialmente en este epoca de mi vida//
 It was so fun, and so weird to all be together
in pants,
late at night...
Who knows where life will take us. All I know is that I'm eternally grateful for them.


I'm beginning to understand now why they call it the bubble.

Everyone is same...
we all think the same,
cultured the same,
believe the same things,
share common goals,
...I swear all the boys have the same haircut and wardrobe.

Toronto to Provo
I just spent the last bit of my life in the most diverse city in the world.
I may be experiencing some culture shock.. and it's my own culture.