I keep waiting to post about two very special days because I want professional pictures BUT can't wait any longer. I will just download some from facebook! The intense desire I have to post now might be credited to how much I miss my people today or how excited I am to see them in just a few days.
Haley & Bradon
Their story is a fun one. Bradon was my brother's mission companion. He dealt with lots of teasing for having a crush on Haley. Haley just thought he was a flirt and didn't realize how much he really liked her. Their beginning didn't go as perfectly as it could have but they stayed good friends. I heard Bradon say once how he knew he just had to wait in the friend zone for the right time. That time came when Haley came back from her mission to find that he was one of the only people she felt comfortable around.

Why I love my new brother- He treats my sister like a queen. I've never seen such selfless love. I have no doubt that he would do ANYTHING for my Haley. And because he loves her so much, he loves us. It is like he has been a Frodsham his whole life. Coming home from a mission is hard but gosh did Heavenly Father bless me with good people to come home to. Those first few days Bradon would give me a hug, tell me that he loved me and how happy and excited they were to have me home. He tells me I'm pretty which is a hard thing for a girl to feel. He has my back 100%. He is a brother by every definition of the word. I'm grateful for his kindness!

Their wedding day was magical. So picture perfect. They were like a pinterest couple!!! It was so fun and exciting! It was the first sealing I had ever attended and what a powerfully perfect one it was. I watched them cry the most beautiful tears I had ever seen and felt an overwhelming spirit of conformation that they were right for each other. He is good, She is good and THEY are GREAT together!
Jeff & Justina
I loved reading Jeff's e-mails when he started dating Justina. He was so excited about the cute return missionary that spoke Spanish. I wasn't surprised in the least bit when he told me they were going to get married. I didn't know her but I had zero concerns. The spirit had spoken to my heart that this was right. When I got home from my mission it felt so normal to have her there, kind of like she had always been there. The best part was I had never seen my brother so happy and he is a happy person.
Why I love my new sister- She recognizes what an incredible person my brother is. She noticed his humility and wrote me about it when I was on my mission. She is a grateful recipient of his kindness. She lets Jeff be Jeff- goofy and emotional. She looks at him with big sparkly eyes that scream pure love and joy. She has great faith! Justina wears her testimony on the outside for the world to see. She is never ashamed of what she believes. I am grateful for her example!
They bring out the best in each other. They are a good team. Their wedding day was crazy but I don't think they noticed. They only saw each other. So many smiles and kisses. Their sealer talked a lot about their future family- can you imagine better parents? I sure can't.
All day as I watched them and thought - this is what I want. I want someone to look at me like that. I want to look at someone else that way. Their look said it all. Complete trust and dedication to their future together.
One open house in St. George left and the the happily ever afters are in full swing but I will never forget those two cold mornings at the temple. I watched, listened and recommitted to my goal. I'm in no hurry to get married but when that day comes I want this...
pure bliss, lasting joy,
magical moments and meaningful memories.