A boy was not on the summer to do list.
Dating is a scary and tricky game.
I also don't really like writing about boys on my blog.
But since I suck at writing in my journal...
He is kind and patient.
I have thrown a lot at him these past couple of weeks and he has taken it like a champ.
He came by tonight (and almost lost at some Super Smash Brothers- we ended on a tie)
and brought with him the prettiest, sweetest smelling rose.
I asked him why and he asked if I needed an excuse. um cute! Points for him!
Points for his story telling skills
Points for the fact that he watched the notebook with me this week because I wanted to
and he didn't complain once even at the ridiculous parts
Points for understanding Canada and all things CTM.
Points for taco nights and long drives,
for dancing in the desert and a new CD for my car.
Points for private concerts and late night texting conversations.
Points for many things...lots and lots and lots of points for listening.
Grateful for Garrison!