I can't even wrapped my mind around how much I have changed in one year. Looking back on the last year I am overwhelmed by the memories and the blessings that have come my way.
Shall we take a walk down memory lane?
Started the year off by turning 18 and getting my first real heart break all in the same weekend (Happy Birthday to me right?). As hard as it was I can't express how grateful I am that the girl I was and that relationship didn't follow me through the year. It was a good thing to leave in 2012.
Throughout the next few months it felt like a whole world of possibilities and people opened up and I was first in line. How I loved the last half of my Senior year. I didn't run track and for the first time since before 9th grade I didn't have practice after school. That time was filled with long talks with friends, stick shift lessons with the one and only Zack Paddock, applying for schools and scholarships and the beginning of a new job.
That job was incredible. Working with Hilary was hard a lot of days but rewarding every day. Hilary has special needs and is the closest person to an angel I have ever met. I worked for her family through the summer until I left for school.
Among struggling in the battle against Senioritis and making it to class I worked on my dream of doing a school wide Lib Dub. That will forever be one of my favorite things I was a part of in high school.
I said a hard goodbye to my favorite sister as she left to preach the gospel in Nicaragua in April.
Before I knew it Senior Sluff (the most amazing day in Zion), Graduation and Grad night and an amazing lake Powell senior trip past and high school was over. I loved Pine View High School. #pantherpride
2013 brought me Adam Esplin and those first weeks of summer were blissful with him playing a main role. I met Adam on a blind date in the spring and it's a little embarrassing how fast and hard I fell for his quick smile and genuine personality. He treated me the way every young women's lesson teaches you a boy is supposed to treat a girl. Before Adam I didn't know if I really believed such a boy existed. Not once did I open a door or feel less about myself in his presence. He is what every girl dreams of finding. My summer with Adam didn't last long. In June he left on an LDS mission and I found my self more sad than I could have prepared for. However, as we exchange letters and e-mails I'm reminded that he is where he is supposed to be.
The rest of the summer found me eager for a change as I said goodbye to so many friends going on missions and leaving for college. I watched my best friend get married in the temple and couldn't help but be a little sad that we weren't "kids" anymore.
That same weekend I started my journey as a college student. The last 5 months as an Aggie have been some of the most spiritual, trying, adventurous and memorable times of my life. I always thought I would go to BYU and maybe one day I will end up there but when it came down to picking between USU and the Y I knew where I wanted to be. It was in Logan. There have been some really hard days but when I look back on my first semester I am amazed at how much fun I was able to fit into a few months. The people I have met and the experiences I have had are shaping me into the person I want to be. Moving away from home was harder than I imagined it would be. I missed a lot of things from home. As time went on I began to fall in love with Logan, Utah.
Starting over in a new place I was ready to reinvent myself but what I learned was the person I had been was the person I wanted to be. I received a calling to teach relief society and have loved the study. Thanks to the example of a wonderful roommate my scripture study is consistent again. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of my Savior has never been stronger. Throughout all of the changes that have happened in the last year I find peace in the consistency and truthfulness of the gospel. It is that knowledge and love I feel that has made me eager to share what I know with others and...
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