Taking new people down memory lane.
I did all my favorite things and couldn't have had a better 4 girls do them with me! It was a little weird to go back to so many places that hold such significant memories and make new memories there. I will always have a special place in my heart for my hometown. It has been good to me through the years and gave me the boost I was craving. Spring Break two thousand fourteen was phenomenal and here are just a few of the reasons why...>Spent two incredible days in Zion. It is safe to say that Zion's National Park is one of my all time favorite places. Monday I survived a brutal 8 mile "stair-master, strenuous hike" with the fam bam! We hiked Observation point once while Jeff was on his mission and so we set out to do it again for Hermana Haley. It is my guess the family will pick a different hike to write my name in sticks at the top of while I am gone because that puppy kicked our butts. I'm not sure what I did to hurt myself but I spent the next few days icing and getting taped because I had to be better for round two with the roommates on Thursday. Thursday the gals and my brothers set out on one of my favorites. Angels Landing is popular and it should be. It was my 3rd time up that mountain. Angels is much more forgiving on your legs and half the mileage. I loved going back up that trail with my college friends reminiscing on last years trip up with the high school homies.
>I had fun taking my aggies (joined by my childhood bestie Steph) to some of the classic
>The week was full of fun. I ate at my favorite restaurant, slept in my comfy bed, laughed at my goofy brothers, made new friends, saw some old ones, soaked up some sun and hot tub, had a glorious picnic, hit up down town for thrifting and St. G loving, shopping and bonding and much more! If I wrote it all this post would be a novel and I'm getting sleepy so I'll leave it with this...
I'm so grateful for good friends and a forever family! I'm so blessed! Special thanks to Ma and Pa for letting me bring the craziness home with me and for feeding us so well. I was not ready AT ALL for it to end. I saved best for last and ended the week with the Temple.
I'll steal some of Nicole Tucker Photography soon but until then here are a few iphone pics to fill the space.

can I steal your pic at the D? and Get the ones from nicole of us?? :)