April 17, 2014

Hermana Haley Frodsham

Haley has been out  O N E   Y E A R  today!
Dear next person who tells me how quickly it has gone by or how they can't believe it's already been a year...  I may explode on you. This has been a LONG year as far as my sister goes. It feels like she has been gone a lifetime. What I have learned in the last year is that no average missionary lasts 12 months in Nicaragua. My sister is something special! It has been hard not having her around to help me stumble through the big mile stones I have hit this last year. However, I have a testimony that what she has been doing instead is far more important. Haley has always been a hard worker and tougher than most girls. It's a good thing she is because reading her e-mails I have thought more than once about how if I were in her shoes I would search the jungle for the fastest plane out of there. Oh I miss her sassy attitude and even her bossy tendencies. I'm already looking forward to my reunion with her 19.5 months from now. xoxo to my favorite Hermana today and Happy hump day.

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