Who knows why it took us until the end of the semester to add fuel to the fire of friendship with the beautiful ladies of room 403 or "the girls across the way". It was a fun filled weekend:
+karaoke night at pizza pie cafe
+Catching Fire (incredible movie)
+late night pancakes
+Po Bev
and these pictures our from our night at the institute "Turkey Ball". It is so far my favorite dance yet (and I've been to a lot of dance parties in the last few months). You know you've got a solid group of gals when multiple people ask if you are a dance team. It was an institute dance so... yes it was awkward but we did not hold back. I don't think I have ever danced so carelessly in public.
Feeling good about what the rest of the year may bring!
I'm just grinning ear to ear! Love all you ladies! Puuuuurfect weekend.