Happy 5 months Elder Esplin.
I couldn't help it- that is why I made this blog so I could post whatever I wanted right?! It has been a really long five months but here is to hoping the next couple years will fly by. I would assume that I had the hardest 5 behind me. I had a weird thought tonight. Adam has been gone longer than we dated or even knew each other before he left. If I wasn't living this story I would never bet on us lasting. Karma is tricky because I was never a big believer in high school relationships or missionary romances making it. I guess I have to eat my own words because I would be lying to you if I didn't admit that I make the same 11:11 wish every time. Adam and I had a really fast developing relationship and I honestly haven't ever felt this way about anyone before. I know I'm young and I know I have a lot of growing up to do but if these last few months have taught me anything it is that Elder Adam Esplin is one of a kind. Even if we end up taking different paths in life I will forever be grateful for his influence on my life. I am a better person because I knew him.We emailed back and forth the other night (night for me, middle of the day for him). I hadn't done so in a long time because of the time zone difference. Every Monday morning I die a little when I see his "I'm on" email. (He sends an email right when he gets on the computer and all it says is "i'm on") It comes around 3 AM and usually I am sound asleep. The boy is the most random writer and you can never get much information out of him but he still jokes and teases the same so the lack of sleep is worth it. I makes me miss him but I miss him anyway.
So 5 months down and depending on when I leave 2ish years to go. Crazier things have happened right?
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