September 27, 2016

Cloud 9

The feels are a little unreal + I am using every bit of self-control I have not to write the most sappy, corny, cliche love-struck post known to this blog...
I'll leave it at this-
I haven't stopped smiling since the minute I met him. I haven't laughed this much in maybe forever. I haven't felt this pretty, special or important since who knows when. I am so content with the world when I'm with him and it feels weird and wrong when I'm not. Staying up all night waiting in line for the football game or sitting in my apartment doing homework I am as giddy as a girl gets.
His name is Thomas. (or T$ if you're squad)
My family is responsible for this relationship and my new favorite T-shirt is the one Dad bought in the Grand Canyon for the purpose of giving him my number and an excuse to meet me when he got back to Provo. Thanks Dad :) I can't believe that actually worked haha
I'm yet to hear a negative review from anyone who has met him. He sure has a way with people. He won me over in about 10 minutes and I'm sure glad he called me after that. We went to Liz and Eric's house one Tuesday night for a homemade ice cream double date and Liz texted me after saying he was perfect for me. I think I would have to agree with her.
So cheers to the forehead kisses and butterflies and the fact that I can say a big fat YES when people ask me if I'm dating that cute boy in all my snapchats.
okay so maybe the post was a little sappy anyway but trust me... it could have been sooo much worse. Cheers also to my roommates who listen to me fan girl over him everyday. Bless them. It is a darn good thing they really like him.

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