December 22, 2013


My spiritual cup is full and overflowing today. At Christmas time we remember the birth of a baby. He wasn't the only baby to be born in humble circumstances at that time or even now. We remember not just the birth a baby boy but who that baby is. He is the baby who grew to be my Savior, who suffered for my sins that I might return to live with him and my Heavenly Father someday. It is Him who I strive to be a little more like each day. It is His church to which I belong. It is His message I want to share. He is the 'reason for the season'. A time to celebrate and remember the birth of the Son of God.

December 21, 2013

one of those days

Days until I see his face- 4
Days he has been gone- 185 (6 months and 2 days)
Days until I see him in person- unknown
Days I have gone without thinking of him since we met- 0

As time passes you would think that day would feel closer... guess again. Doesn't make much sense now does it? But since when has 'time' been rational, logical or at all kind?!

Trying not to waste any days either.

December 17, 2013

no good very bad first half of the day

I always said the one thing that might keep me out of the mission field was the fact that I would have to have needles stuck into my flesh. I know I'm almost 19 but I really hate shots. I was poked 5 different times and I was NOT a fan. Some people are afraid of spiders or heights, for me it's needles and blood. no likely. Oh yeah and I started the day out with a less than desirable trip to the dentist.
Nothing makes you feel more like a little kid again than holding your mom's hand and bailing like a 3 year old at the doctors office or being reprimanded about your lack of flossing at the dentist. By the time it was all over I did not feel grown up enough to serve a mission.
Yes, I still see my pediatrician. 

December 12, 2013

Finally done with those finals..well almost

>>>I'm convinced that if they gave you a little taste of finals week during your college orientation they wouldn't be able to convince any 18-19 year old kid to get a higher education. To quote my roommate Megan "we had no idea what we were in for."
The other thing I have decided is that stress causes you to find things that would normally be moderately humorous extremely funny.. Let's just say it has been a bucket of laughs all week! One stupid pin on Pinterest caused tears and everyday conversation felt like a stand up comedy show.
And one more that I already knew- I have the greatest friends here at Utah State! Without the study break dance parties, all the laughs or simply keeping each other company in the library I would have given up and crawled into a hole.
Personal hygiene and appearance become more optional than necessary and I feel great about the fact that most of my building has become familiar with my mickey mouse footie pajamas. 
I wish I could tell you that I rocked all of my tests and have stupendous grades but.... eh.. it was my first semester okay, I tried hard. I still have one more test tomorrow morning and then I free until January! ps those who were done Tuesday or only had 1 or 2 tests... I hate you.<<<
Things got a weird, ice cream and dr. pepper were needed and my roommate probably hates me because my stuff threw up all over our room.

December 6, 2013

Christmas Lights on I-15

The ugliest part of I-15 is home to these lights.
When I was a kid and we learned about global warming this is what I would always picture. Even now that I know most of that smoke is actually steam it still gives me a funny feeling. Why did I then have an urge to snap a few pictures as we zoomed past not too long ago? I'm not really sure. I found the lights mesmerizing. Isn't that how the things of the world are sometimes though?..You know it isn't good or that really don't like it but you still find yourself engrossed in wonderment and awe.
did that make any sense? nope not really but hey I did just finish homework at 11:55pm on the Friday-eve before finals so my brain is a little on the mushy side.
plus I think it kinda looks like Christmas time.. Christmas lights on I-15?

December 5, 2013

So this is "DEAD WEEK" huh?

They call the week before finals "Dead Week". It only took until Tuesday for me to have an emotional break down.
4 finals to prepare for.
a project, 4 labs, 2 time consuming assignments all due.
preparing to speak in church Sunday.
figure out tuition that is due next week.
and they tell you to make sure you are making time to eat healthy, get a full nights rest and exercise ha really?

I know, I know.. "poor me" everyone is busy and has a lot on their plate. I just need to vent for a second! This college finals thing is harder than I had expected. Now that it is posted I'll get back to work. As Mom told me "go hard to the end" and the end is in sight- 10 days.

Oh wait.. did I mention that it was 7 degrees today? This St. George girl was feeling pretty blue when she checked on the weather this morning. However, it isn't as bad as everyone made it sound. All those people who told me horror stories about how much I would hate winter.. boo to you for causing me needless worry. (knock on wood because it does get worse)

The cute winter selfie in contrast with a realistic reaction

December 1, 2013

a little Thanksgiving

"When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your life." -Gordon B. Hinckley

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! You get the great food and even better company without the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I love Christmas but I think Thanksgiving is my favorite because I often get lost in the busyness of the Christmas season and lose the magic of the holiday. Thanksgiving no one is worried about gifts or decorations and it leaves more time to enjoy each other and just be focus on being grateful.
With all of that said, ironically I didn't even express what I was grateful for this last weekend so I'll do it now
Just a few of the many things I am grateful for this year:
+ First and most importantly my Savior Jesus Christ and the knowledge I have been blessed with at such a young age that he knows and loves Megan.
+ My family. 5 of people I love very most in this world. I honestly can't imagine life without them.
+ My sister's example serving a full time mission. Having her away isn't easy but I am grateful for her example. (probably safe to include several other missionaries I miss as well)
+ The opportunity I have to be an Aggie. What a wonderful opportunity I have to receive an education and I wouldn't want to do it anywhere else.
+ Good roommates. I'm glad I live with such fun girls who make me laugh and keep my insides warm in this chilly place.

That is a very short list for I have many MANY blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!