April 10, 2016

oh to be in love

I helped a photographer friend with a few different shoots this last weekend.

  • We started with some flawless engagements
  • then we hid in the bushes to capture the magical moment of a perfect proposal (one of my very best friends, excited beyond belief for them)
  • we then spent the evening up cotton wood canyon working with the dreamy pine trees for some beautiful bridals.

It was a LONG day but so so so much fun. You can check out my friends pictures on her blog in the coming days. LINK

I've always been a hopeless romantic. I am that girl that cries in cheesy movies and squeals during the proposal story.. and I'm okay with that.
I love love!
As I watched these three couples on Saturday I was fascinated by their relationships. They all had different stories, personalities and ways of expressing their affection. I don't believe that there is just one person out there for everyone but I do know it doesn't work with anyone. These love birds fit together so smoothly and were better together than they are apart.

after we finished up that night I got home, grabbed some food and waited for my homies to come pick me up. We had a blast, a seriously wild fun night (wild by Provo standard that is). I loved it and yet I look forward to the day when my Saturday night will be predictable. When I know exactly who I'll be spending it with and it wont matter what the night consists of as long as he is in close proximity.
Now I'm sure this sounds sooo typical BYU girl of me but I'm not "marriage hungry". I'm not looking to be there just yet. I just got a sneak peak at what the future might look like a couple years from now and it is exciting to dream about.

Ideally falling in love will sneak up on me in some way that makes a great story to tell people for years.

To him,
If this blog is still around when you come around.. thank you for making me annoyingly happy.

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