February 2, 2016

Forget Me Not

Dear Canada Toronto Mission,
It is colder in Provo today than it is in Toronto. I've successful survived without you for 2 months today. 2 months without your maple leaves, diversity, overpriced cereal or milk in a bag.  It feels a lot longer than 2 months since someone has called me Hermana. A long time since I wore a name tag.
I miss you.
I will never forget you. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the people I fell in love with there. God bless them, watch over them and help them not forget me.
In all reality two months really isn't that long but today it feels like an eternity.
How many months will it be until I get to come back? Far too many.
I may have had to leave but I left a big part of me with you.
With all my love,
Hermana Frodsham


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