October 14, 2013

I love Uncle Bret

A few months ago my Uncle Bret learned that he had Mesothelioma.

Not Uncle Bret
He is too strong and tough for cancer
Not Uncle Bret
He is too selfless and loving for cancer
Not Uncle Bret
He is too relied upon for cancer
Not Uncle Bret
That's not fair

Tonight we gathered as an extended family. We fasted and prayed and listened to beautiful blessings and faith inspiring testimony. The things I felt are hard to put into words. Bret Frodsham is a super hero in my eyes. I didn't know it was possible to face a trial like this cancer with such a positive attitude and unshakable faith in God.
If you need to read something inspiring or need a reminder about what is really important in this life got read bret54.blogspot.com

My Uncle Bret
Strong and tough enough to beat this cancer
My Uncle Bret
Still selfless and loving while battling cancer
My Uncle Bret
Relies on the Lord to face this cancer
My Uncle Bret
What faith he has

As we were leaving he gave each of the college kids 20 dollars. This isn't the first time he has done this. How is it that someone can think so much of other people and be so generous at a time like this? I was touched tonight by the testimony and example of an incredible man I am lucky to be related to.

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